I needed a place where I could share my creativity. I've online photo albums, but unfortunately not everyone can see them, so I thought I'd start a blog to share my work.
The main creative outlet for me is Scrapbooking. I took it up in November 2007 and absolutely love it. I have not taken any classes, and only read up on a few interesting techniques I was previously unaware of. Years of participating in mail-art has made it an easy transition.
I still continue with the occasional mail-art booklet when I've no scrapbooking projects in the works. The above picture is a signing I completed in a "SNAIL" themed deco booklet on 05/01/08.
Other creative past-times I enjoy include baking, knitting, making cards and bookmarks, and mixed CDs.
This year I'd like to learn to sew so that I can start making myself a patchwork quilt.
Yes, be creative(!) and post pictures and I’ll do the same. (I don’t know why I didn’t mention my silly blog, maybe because it started out just as a place for me to collect junk that I like.) I’m off to take pictures of my ugly knitted bags I’ve made, and my little glove dog.