Claimed to be the best bio on Anne Boleyn compiled to date, this book by Eric Ives is truly eye-opening and awe-inspiring.
I think I like Anne best portrayed as she really was, not based upon all the myths and, let's face it, downright lies that surrounded her rise and ultimate destruction.
Every point is well researched and the supporting evidence is facinating, ranging from letters, artwork and the royal accounts, to songs and poetry. Ives gives an amazing insight into life as it was in the Tudor Court and the major personalities within it (Henry VIII, the Boleyns, Cromwell, Wyatt, Wolsey, Chapuys, Suffolk, Norfolk &c.).
If you are interested in the Tudors and appreciate historical accuracy, then I highly recommend this book.
I LOVED IT! Easily deserves 9 out of 10 stars.
Belongs to my permanent collection, but is available to loan under my bookcrossing conditions found here.
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