Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Mail Out: When something is better than nothing.

"Don't you like to write letters? I do because it's such a swell way to keep from working and yet feel you've done something." ~ Ernest Hemingway
Written correspondence has been a hobby of mine for a long time, & Monday Mail Out is a weekly feature whereby I can share my love for the lost art of letter writing. I hope my experiences will encourage others to send out letters on Monday too, and have them rediscover the joy of sending and receiving mail. If you have a blog, feel free to join in.



  1. I love to send a hand written letter too, there is something more thoughtful about putting pen to paper rather than the so accessible email.
    I like the idea of your Monday morning mail out, I think mine may have to be Friday afternoon mail out as Mondays are most manic:-)
    Have a great week:)

    1. I use the weekend to write letters and it's always been first thing on a Monday morning that I've stopped by the post office to send them on their way. I would never get a letter written on a Monday, though - not unless it was a public holiday or something. Mondays *are* manic: I often wonder how I get anything done!


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