What a week!
* Gale-force winds for 5 of 7 days. That kind of weather is almost biblical. Almost.
* September is my least favourite month of the year. The weather is awful. One week in and it flattened my peas, tore the blossoms off the apricot tree, and gave me hayfever. I want to delete it from the calendar.
* I'm still drowning in citrus fruits. At this point in time it feels as though citrus season will never end. It's lucky I like citrus. This week I squeezed over a litre of lemon juice and froze it in cubes for future use.
* Bailey-dog's favourite flavour of homemade kibble so far is fish.
* Art journalling is my new favourite way to waste time and use up scrapbooking leftovers.
* I finally figured out how to blog via iPhone. But it doesn't do all that I want/need it to. Technology is pretty awesome sometimes, and sometimes it's pretty darn frustrating too.
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