Saturday, March 9, 2013

365 Mail Art Project: Week 22

It seems that letter booklets are becoming an increasingly popular way to send correspondence. Rather than fight the trend, this week I decided to join it and make my own. 
A letter booklet is a handmade booklet that contains a letter and any other bits and pieces the writer wants to include inside.
But before I got on with making the booklets I had two birthday cards to send out:
#70 of 365:
Handmade birthday greetings for þ in Iceland...

#71 of 365:
...and C in Holland.

#72 of 365:
The letter booklets I made are being sent in transparent envelopes with loose confetti inside for decoration. The first is on its way to Raquel in Sweden.

#73 of 365:
Another is on its way to Holly in England...

#74 of 365:
As well as Ashley in Canada...

#75 of 365:
...and Cheetarah in The Netherlands.

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